As well as Boats, Uniforms, Sponsorship, Stationery another popular item in our Gift Catalogue are chickens.
Naomi Booth :: Thursday 21st December 2023 :: This Story
They provide a family a source of income and a sense of pride as they are able to provide for their children and make a living. Mary the mother of one of our sponsor children talks about how being able to keep chickens and sell eggs has made a big difference to her life.
As Christmas draws near and we begin to think about gifts for family and friends why not have a look at our Ocean Stars Gift Catalogue? Purchasing a gift from our catalogue can transform the life of a child, a family, a preschool, a teacher and are gratefully received by all our recipients in Sri Lanka.
Here is the link to the Gift Catalogue on our website:
Gift Catalogue
Give a Gift...
School uniforms give children a sense of provide as they feel a sense of belonging to a place.
Naomi Booth :: Tuesday 19th December 2023 :: This Story
At Ocean Stars we provide around 1000 uniforms each year for our preschool. An Ocean Stars Uniform costs £8.50 and a school bag costs £5.00.
Why not offer a child who cannot afford a uniform or a school bag a gift of these items and transform their lives?
As Christmas draws near and we begin to think about gifts for family and friends why not have a look at our Ocean Stars Gift Catalogue? Purchasing a
gift from our catalogue can transform the life of a child, a family, a preschool, a teacher and are gratefully received by all our recipients in Sri Lanka.
Here is the link to the Gift Catalogue on our website:
Gift Catalogue
A gift that gives
As Christmas draws near and we begin to think about gifts for family and friends why not have a look at our Ocean Stars Gift Catalogue?
Naomi Booth :: Tuesday 12th December 2023 :: This Story
Purchasing a gift from our catalogue can transform the life of a child, a family, a preschool, a teacher and are gratefully received by all our recipients in Sri Lanka. Here is the link to the Gift Catalogue on our website:
Gift Catalogue
Gifts distributed this year included
- bicycles
- chickens
- sports equipment.
You can also choose to send a card to the recipient through our website.
Newsletter December 2023
Naomi Booth :: Monday 4th December 2023 :: This Story
30 volunteers visited Sri Lanka in October 2023 and over 10,000 students and families were impacted by this visit.
5 Samba Bands are operating in Batticaloa Schools thanks to the fundraising of students from Calthorpe Park School, Fleet.
Over 2500 nutritious meals have been provided by our Feeding Programmes to preschool children in remote communities
One of our sponsor children graduated from the University of Jaffna with a Degree in BioScience and another is a successful entrepreneur who has helped over 1000 Sri Lankans improve their digital skills.
Hope House projects continue to provide village women with skills that empower them to set up their own businesses.
OST Trustees met for their annual Strategy Planning Day in September and agreed on the Action Plan for the year ahead.
A residential Teacher Training was held for 70 Ocean Stars teachers in July 2023
Over 1000 preschool students assessed in our Child Development Programme.
Our latest Newsletter
Naomi Booth :: Monday 4th December 2023 :: This Story
Our Newsletter is now out so why not have a look and see what we have been up to in 2023. There are reports from our Chair, John Bunter, on our October visits with Calthorpe Park School and Team 2, our Child Development Programme, Sponsorship Schemes as well as lots of other news.
Here is the newsletter
or to the page it is on -
As we enter our 19th year of Operations the support from our donors, sponsors and regular givers is very much valued and appreciated and helps us continue with our work empowering children through education in Sri Lanka. Maybe you would like to become an Ocean Star and set up a regular payment and transform the lives of children in Sri Lanka? To find out how to donate please visit our website
Bake Sale
Following on from our recent successful Bake Sale you are warmly invited to come along to Finchampstead Baptist Church on 6 December for our next Bake Sale for Ocean Stars Trust.
Naomi Booth :: Friday 1st December 2023 :: This Story
Lots of scrumptious delicious home made cakes for sale.
All proceeds go to our projects in Sri Lanka empowering children through education.
Sponsorship in focus
Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 29th November 2023 :: This Story
Sponsorship is a key focus area of the work of Ocean Stars Trust empowering children through education in Sri Lanka. For the cost of £15 a month / £180 per annum sponsorship changes and transforms the life of a family in Sri Lanka and also enriches the life of the Sponsor. We currently have 142 children who are benefitting from our sponsorship programmes. Sometimes our Ocean Stars Trip volunteers also happen to be our sponsors. Julie who has been on 4 volunteer trips reflects on meeting Rimsa her sponsor child:
It's been a blessing to be able to meet Rimsha and her family on different trips to Sri Lanka. This time, after a 4 year break, it was noticeable that Rimsha and her siblings had grown up so much, her sister was just a baby last time I saw them. Rimsha shared with us that school is going well and when she grows up she would like to be a doctor. Her Mum told us they appreciate the support with school resources and tuition. A relatively small amount each month makes such a difference, it's such a straightforward way to help.
If you would like to sign up to our Sponsorship Programme then please visit our page using the following link :
Kilmiya’s story
Could you be our next Sponsor and shine a light on a child in Sri Lanka?
Naomi Booth :: Monday 27th November 2023 :: This Story
Sponsorship is a key focus area of the work of Ocean Stars Trust empowering children through education in Sri Lanka. For the cost of £15 a month / £180 per annum sponsorship changes and transforms the life of a family in Sri Lanka and also enriches the life of the Sponsor. We currently have 142 children who are benefitting from our sponsorship programmes. We have waiting lists of children who have been referred to us by the local government and social services waiting to be sponsored. Could you be our next Sponsor and shine a light on a child in Sri Lanka?
Here is Kilmiya's story:
I am Kilmiya and I was sponsored by Ocean Stars since I was 5 years old. When I was growing up I was able to go to extra classes and buy books and school equipment thanks to my sponsorship money. My UK sponsor also came to visit me and that made me feel very happy. My father is a fisherman, so our family income is very low. I was the first woman from my village to go to University. I attended the University of Jaffna and did a Degree in Bio Sciences and I graduated with a 2.1 degree this year. During lockdown when I was at home I found it very difficult to access online learning. Ocean Stars helped me by providing me with a laptop which transformed my University life. I was able to access online science practical classes and keep up with my studies. I hope to now go onto qualify as a science teacher and also study for a Pharmacy Diploma. Thank you Ocean Stars for supporting me in my education journey.
If you would like to sign up to our Sponsorship Programme then please either visit our website using the following link : or get in touch.
Thank you for trip resources
Thousands of children have benefited
Naomi Booth :: Friday 24th November 2023 :: This Story
We would like to say another BIG Thank you to everyone who donated resources for our recent trip to Sri Lanka.
Thousands of children benefited from the pens, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, craft resources, bubbles, stickers, bean bags, teddies and paper that was donated.
The final bags of resources were distributed to our preschools last weekend at a teacher's training event at our office. All the teachers have asked us to pass on their thanks to everyone for their generous donations. These resources help us offer our preschool students a high-quality early years education with access to quality teaching materials.
If you would like to give a Christmas Gift to a child in preschool in Sri Lanka please have a look at our Gift Catalogue.
Charity Excellence Awards
Charity Governance Award Runners-up
Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 22nd November 2023 :: This Story
Did you know Ocean Stars Trust were runners-up for a Charity Governance Award this year?
Our board worked hard to enter the category Improving Impact: charities with 0-3 paid staff. Our entry focused on the recent launch of OST's Child Development Programme (CDP), a monitoring and evaluation tool that has not only helped the charity improve its impact across Sri Lanka but has also been a catalyst for growth and evolution across the organisation. In 2019, the OST board narrowed its focus from facilitating access to Early Years Education to supporting the delivery of high-quality Early Years Education within the preschools it sponsors.
Read more about our #charity governance story and our amazing #trustees) here: