Exploring colour
In our pre-schools
Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 4th October 2023 :: This Story
Our preschools were awash with colour recently as our students explored colour and textures in objects around them. They used recycled fabric and coloured paper to make flowers. They chose their own colours when making their flowers. Working in groups they developed their social skills as they talked about what they were doing.
We would like to say a huge thank you to our 66 preschool teachers who work tirelessly to make sure our 800+ preschool students have a rich and inspiring early years educational experience.
If you would like to sponsor a teacher's wages, please visit our webpage to find out more: https://oceanstars.org.uk/sponsor-a-child-sri-lanka
Ready to go...
excited students share their thoughts...
Naomi Booth :: Friday 29th September 2023 :: This Story
The 21 students from Calthorpe Park School, Fleet, travelling out to Sri Lanka on the 17th of October, received their trip clothing during their final group meeting. Everyone was so excited as the trip seems more real now.
Here are some comments from the excited students:
"I am very excited"
"I can't believe it has come round so quickly"
"I am really looking forward to going"
"I am super excited"
"Great to have our trip uniforms"
The students will be visiting their link schools in Batticaloa and spend the time doing activities with the Sri Lankan students. If you would like your school to get involved with Ocean Stars Trust, you can find out more about our cultural links via our website: https://oceanstars.org.uk/school-cultural-links-sri-lanka
Learning Tamil alphabet
Naomi Booth :: Monday 25th September 2023 :: This Story
Our preschool students recently learnt some letters of the Tamil alphabet. The Tamil alphabet has 12 vowels, 18 consonants, and 1 unique character ? but totals 247 letters!!
The Tamil script is syllabic not alphabetic so the complete script has the basic letters and 216 combinatory letters consisting of a consonant and a vowel, a mute consonant or a vowel alone. The combinatory letters are formed by adding a vowel marker to the consonant. Some vowels require the basic shape of the consonant to be altered in a way that is specific to that vowel. Others are written by adding a vowel-specific suffix to the consonant.
Our young students learn the Tamil alphabet alongside the English alphabet and switch from one to another effortlessly!
Ongoing professional development
for our teachers
Naomi Booth :: Friday 15th September 2023 :: This Story
The ongoing professional development of all the teachers who work at our preschools is embedded in our Child Development Programme.
We were delighted that Unitha recently gained her NVQ Level 4 in General Child Care.
Unitha works at our preschool in Chenkallady, and she really values all the support and training given to her by Ocean Stars Trust. Congratulations to Unitha for gaining this qualification which will enable her to provide a high standard of Early Years education for the children who attend her preschool.
Sponsorship success
Diploma completed and on to a degree in Software engineering
Naomi Booth :: Friday 8th September 2023 :: This Story

He is currently studying for a BSc Hons Degree in Software Engineering at the International College of Business and Technology, which is affiliated to Cardiff Metropolitan University and based in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
Sanoos is the first member of his family to go to University and his family are very proud of him. His father is a fisherman, and his mum is a housewife. Sanoos says his success is due to his sponsorship, so we would like to thank his sponsor as well as all our sponsors, who make a huge impact on so many children in Sri Lanka. If you would like to sponsor a child, then please have a look at our website www.oceanstars.org.uk
Musical Evening!
Come and listen to a Saxophone Quartet and raise funds for Ocean Stars
Naomi Booth :: Friday 8th September 2023 :: This Story
Ocean Stars Saxophone Quartet Music Evening
Monday 25th September
Venue: Calthorpe Park School Drama Hall
Time: 7.00 pm
Cost: Per Person £10 ( suggested)
Per Family (4 People): £30
Students in CPS SL Teams 2023/ 2024 are free.
- Please bring your own food and drink
- Tea, Coffee, Water and Sri Lanka snacks are included.
- Raffle.
- A Quiz on Sri Lanka whilst you listen to the music.
- Please email oceanstarstrust@gmail.com to secure your place. Please provide your name and how many tickets your require.
Payment can be made on the door or in advance.
Bank: Lloyds Bank, Fleet Branch
Sort Code: 30-93-32
Account Name: Ocean Stars Trust
Account Number: 02662990
IBAN: GB27LOYD30933202662990
Quiz Date for your Diary
13th January 2024
Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 6th September 2023 :: This Story
The Kandy Perahera
also known as the festival of the tooth
Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 6th September 2023 :: This Story
The festival ends with the traditional Diya-kepeema ritual, a water cutting ceremony, which is held at the Mahaweli River at Getambe, Kandy. The Perahera is believed to have begun when the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha was brought to Sri Lanka from India during the 4th century CE, 800 years after the passing away of the Buddha.
The first five days of the Perahera is called the Kumbal Perahera and the next 5 days the Randholi Perehara. There are dancers, drummers, elephants and the whole event is a fusion of colour and music that lights up the night sky.

Where do our volunteers stay in Sri Lanka?
Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 30th August 2023 :: This Story

Calthorpe Park School, Fleet mash fundraising target
Amazing work!
Naomi Booth :: Monday 28th August 2023 :: This Story