Sanuya took part in the India Open International Karate Championships 2023
From Mahadeva Children’s home
Naomi Booth :: Monday 26th June 2023 :: This Story
Ocean Stars Trust has been supporting the daily needs of the children being cared for at Mahadeva Children's home since 2012. Several volunteers have visited the home and spent time with the girls and boys playing sports, singing songs, dancing and doing craft activities.
Ocean Stars would like to extend warm Congratulations and a well done to one of the students, Sanuya, who recently took part in the India Open International Karate Championships 2023 held in New Delhi, India and won a Bronze medal. We are so proud of you Sanuya! Congratulations also to her coach Mr Vijayaraj.
We continue to be proud to support Mahadeva Children's Home and the amazing work they do in providing a warm, loving and nurturing home for over 200 children.
Fundraising Coffee Morning Success
Means we can help OST
Naomi Booth :: Friday 23rd June 2023 :: This Story

High School Links
In Sri Lanka
Naomi Booth :: Sunday 18th June 2023 :: This Story

Poson Poya
Celebrated in Sri Lanka.
Naomi Booth :: Friday 16th June 2023 :: This Story

Disha visits Preschools
Naomi Booth :: Friday 16th June 2023 :: This Story
Ocean Stars Lanka Preschool Manager Disha travels to all our preschools every three months. Our remote preschools sometimes involve driving for an hour off the main road on unmade roads. Sometimes Tuctuc is the only way to travel on these roads. Sometimes the tuctuc has to parked under a tree whilst the teachers organise for a motorbike to come and pick up our staff. For the students in our remote preschools the day they receive their new uniforms is happy day for them. Parents are very grateful to Ocean Stars UK and Lanka for the support we give them with their children's Early Years Education. For more information about our work or if you would like to donate a uniform please visit our website
Sponsor a child
With Ocean Stars Trust
Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 14th June 2023 :: This Story
Ocean Stars Trust Sponsors over 150 children in Sri Lanka. Sponsorship transforms lives and has given hope to many families. Every year our sponsor children do a drawing for their sponsors. Last year they focused on the theme life in Sri Lanka. Several of the student's artwork reflected life in rural Sri Lanka where most of our projects are based. Rice cultivation and keeping chickens are some of the topics these students reflected in their drawings. For more information about our Sponsorship schemes please have a look at our sponsorship page.
Charity Governance Award, Runners up!
Naomi Booth :: Monday 12th June 2023 :: This Story
Ocean Stars Trust are delighted to announce that they were Runners-Up at this year's Charity Governance Awards in the Category Improving Impact in Small Charities (0-3 Paid Staff) .
Dan Corry, CEO of NPC explained, "This category explores the role that boards play in improving outcomes, and learning. The category focuses on smaller organisations. Small charities are at the heart of communities, tackling inequalities and supporting change. Change is a constant for these organisations, and we want to celebrate the way their boards help them to learn and adapt and so improve their impact."
Deepak Nambisan, Chair of the awards steering committee, said, "Many congratulations to our inspirational winners and everyone who made it onto the shortlist. It's heartening to see that ingenuity, commitment and passion are thriving in the sector, often within challenging circumstances. This year, we've been struck by the impressive showing from the country's smallest charities – more than half of all nominees are charities with fewer than 30 employees. This is a shining example of how trustees with foresight, imagination and an authentic connection to their beneficiaries can overcome barriers and achieve great things."
The Award Ceremony was held at Drapers Hall in London and was attended by OST Chair John Bunter, Trustee Cameron Williams and Head of Operations Dilanee Bunter. The Team enjoyed meeting representatives from other award winners and nominees from other Charities and networking.
As Runners up OST also gained a Prize of £1000 as well as a paid one-year membership of the Association of Chairs for their board, and a complimentary place on a Cause4 Trustee Leadership Programme for a new member of their board. We are delighted that the work of the Trustee Board has been validated and recognised in this way.
A very special day for all of us at Ocean Stars Trust.
The Awards were organised by the Clothworkers Company and sponsored by the following organisations.
30 students attend our preschool in Vellaimanal, Trincomalee.
Naomi Booth :: Friday 9th June 2023 :: This Story
This preschool is one of our all-island preschools and is situated about 3 hours drive from Batticaloa, where most of our preschools are based. Recently, one of the local banks organised a colouring competition and all our students took part.
We are very happy to announce that the first prize went to one of our students!
A very proud day for everyone.
Bean Bags
For preschools in Sri Lanka
Naomi Booth :: Tuesday 6th June 2023 :: This Story
Annette, an Ocean Stars supporter in the UK, has spent the last 15 years making bean bags for us to take to Sri Lanka and distribute to our preschools.
The students love playing with the bean bags. It gives them the opportunity to practice their throwing, catching and balancing skills, as well their social skills of working together and taking turns.
It costs Ocean Stars Trust £100 to provide resources for a preschool for one year.
We are so grateful to Annette for donating these beautiful handmade bean bags that have brought so much joy and laughter to our students over the years!
Volunteers in Sri Lanka
Charlotte's visit in 2022
Naomi Booth :: Monday 5th June 2023 :: This Story
Ocean Stars Trust offers UK Volunteers the chance to see first-hand the work of the Trust in Sri Lanka, and spend time with the students who attend our preschools and link schools. Charlotte, a teacher from Calthorpe Park School, visited Calthorpe's link schools in October 2022. She spent time making watermelon fans with students who had great fun being creative and speaking English.
The Sri Lankan students love welcoming visitors and sharing friendship and joy.