Malcolm's Half-Marathon
Please sponsor Malcolm Cooper as he runs the Cologne Half-Marathon on October 14th
OceanStars :: Friday 12th October 2012 :: This Story
My story
Ocean Stars was set up as a Charity, by our great friend Dilanee, following the devastation of the 2005 tsunami which took the lives of over 30,000 people in Sri Lanka alone.
Ocean Stars offers communities a route out of poverty by supporting a range of educational and livelihood projects. Since 2005, it has raised over £225,000 to support infant school groups, orphanages and other projects in the poorest parts of Sri Lanka. 93% of money raised goes directly to projects and children providing educational resources, school equipment, school meals, teacher training facilities and many other basic necessities to local people.
The value of what they do is illustrated by Ranchan's personal story which can be found on their website -
On 14 October (my Birthday!), I'll be running the Cologne Half-Marathon - my first serious run since a school cross country around York racecourse 30+ years ago. Dilanee and friends have been incredible and if you could sponsor me and so help them to continue their amazing work - that would be great, thank you.
You can sponsor Malcolm using his Just Giving page