Aberdeen students join the list of OST volunteers
Dilanee and I were invited to meet with two Aberdeen University students who wanted to have some volunteering experience with our charity in Sri Lanka.
OceanStars :: Thursday 21st March 2013 :: This Story
Dilanee and I were invited to meet with two Aberdeen University students who had learned about OST from other sources, and who wanted to have some volunteering experience with our charity in Sri Lanka. So we spoke to Clare Harper and Hayley Irving in Aberdeen in February. Claire is a student of psychology and Hayley studies immunology: both are 2nd year students. Hayley’s mother sponsors a OST child. The girls wanted a “holiday with a purpose”, and both have had experience volunteering abroad before.
Dilanee guided the girls through a possible itinerary, and they will be travelling out to the island on 1 July. Their time will be spent in Trinco and Batti, and they will be well looked after by OSL staff. They will also build in some personal travel time, alongside working in OST projects, within their month in Sri Lanka.
OST is delighted to offer these students the opportunity to work with OST projects. Having got to know Clare and Hayley, we are sure they will have much to offer the children on the island!
John Bunter