Preschool Construction with Edinburgh Global Partnership
Constructing a preschool for a displaced nursery group currently meeting in a very small, unsuitable multi-purpose building in the village. The building will also be used for income generating projects such as weaving and painting classes to ensure its su
OceanStars :: Monday 24th June 2013 :: This Story
Who are Edinburgh Global Partnerships (EGP)
Edinburgh Global Partnerships (EGP) is a student-run society and registered Scottish charity based at the University of Edinburgh that aims to assist in community-led, sustainable development projects overseas.
EGP volunteers fundraise throughout the academic year for the total cost of their project and then spend the summer living and working alongside the local community to achieve their project aims.
Their Aims
To support community-led initiatives, working together with people to help them achieve their long-term goals for development.
To allow students to develop new skills and a wider perspective of the world we live in.
To promote international understanding through projects that are focused on building friendship, trust and respect between EGP volunteers and people across the world.
To establish partnerships with local organisations to encourage volunteers to participate in volunteering in and around Edinburgh.
Sri Lanka: Preschool Construction with OST
EGP sent a team of 8 volunteers to work with with Ocean Stars Sri Lanka (OSL), a leg of Ocean Stars Trust UK. Its aims are to give every child the right to education to succeed and get out of poverty. Focusing on preschool’s specifically as there is a strong need in Batticaloa. The project is based in Ampalanthurai Village, Batticaloa City, Sri Lanka.
This project consisted of the construction of a preschool for a displaced nursery group currently meeting in a very small, unsuitable multi-purpose building in the village. The building will also be used for income generating projects such as weaving and painting classes to ensure its sustainability. A 6 metre deep well was constructed near the preschool to serve itself as well as the local community. The preschool has also been surrounded by a fence to grow small plants and trees without animals getting to them.
The volunteers were involved with the construction, transportation of materials and supervision of project teams as all projects will run simultaneously.
Education in the eastern province was greatly affected by the 30 year armed conflict which ended in 2009. After the war, 90% of the non-governmental organisations providing relief went back to their own countries. The area was also hit by the 2004 tsunami waves.
All the people who live in this area are farmers. The culture of preschool education is still in its infancy and the provision of a playgroup will improve the negative stigma dramatically.
The team worked together to fundraise a total budget of £7,554.
You can see the stone laying photos at
Or you can connect with EGP Sri Lanka on Facebook