
Our December Newsletter is now available - Download it here

OceanStars :: Thursday 22nd January 2015 :: This Story

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Ocean Stars Trust will be 10 years old on the 26 January 2015. Over the last 10 years OST has worked tirelessly to rebuild shat-tered lives of children and families in Sri Lanka. When I look back over the last decade I am left with a feeling of awe and wonderment at how Ocean Stars has evolved and how so many people in the UK, Sri Lanka and the world have been brought together to work to make a difference to the lives of so many people in Sri Lanka. A strength of Ocean Stars is the emphasis it puts on relationships and in what now has become an Ocean Stars family. People who become involved with Ocean Stars in what ever capacity al-ways comment on how much they feel loved and cared for, and how their lives have been en-riched by the people they meet. “People have so little but they give us so much”, is often said by visitors to OST projects.

Sponsorship schemes are an aspect of our work that really makes an impact on families. When I see UK sponsors meet their sponsor child and witness the warmth and gratitude ex-pressed to them I realise the true value of the work we do. If £10 per month will help a young person pass exams and go onto University or work then we have rebuilt a shattered life and given a family hope for the future. A whole generation of children have grown up with support from UK sponsors. I would like to thank all our sponsors - some of you have been with us for 10 years - for your continued sup-port for our work. We are always looking for sponsors, so if you feel you are able to donate £10 per month please get in touch with us using the contact infor-mation above.

OST enables children in rural com-munities to access pre-school education—this is a major part of our work. We work with 16 pre- schools in the north and east of Sri Lanka and reach out to more than 600 children. Bringing laughter and a morning of creative activities, songs, bubbles, parachutes, the Hokey-Cokey, has become routine for team who visit our playgroups annually.

I would like to wish you all a Very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year 2015.