Pancakes for Ocean Stars

Pancake day (Shrove Tuesday) was a beautiful crisp Spring morning that fell in half term this year.

OceanStars :: Tuesday 10th March 2015 :: This Story

The Pre school group therefore were not meeting so it was an opportunity not to be overlooked to hold a Pancake and coffee morning in the Methodist church .

As usual we sent out publicity , uncertain of the response... ...

However, we should not have had any concerns over what the outcome would be -we had a superb turnout of folk who were most generous not only in their giving but in their patient waiting for their pancake! We were VERY busy having to make fresh batter mixture even though we had a reserve mix made up! We do apologise if you were one of those who had to wait - lessons were learned, so thank you for your understanding!

Ready for PancakesPancake helper
Once again we are made aware that the finances for the work of Ocean Stars is being provided - we just need to be open and available and we shall learn of the difference it makes to young lives.  We give thanks for the hope and joy we can share with them.

Pancake guestsMore batter needed