Oli - looking into OST

Oli Shafto previous OST volunteer with Calthorpe Park School talks to us about what he is doing at the moment

Naomi Booth :: Friday 23rd March 2018 :: This Story


Oli is currently doing a 3 year Film production course at the Uni of Winchester.

He is in currently in the second year of a 3 year course. Oli has been interested in filming since the age of 14.

"I bought a camera before I went to Sri Lanka in 2014 with my school. I like to tell a story. I have creative control over something I love to do. I always focus on filming when I go to the cinema."

"I am now doing a Volunteering Module which requires students with a Registered Charity for promotional purposes. For me it is about learning aspects employability and life skills in the community."

Oli filming for Ocean Stars Charity


"I chose OST for this Module because I have personal interest in Ocean Stars.

I have been to Sri Lanka and I have seen firsthand the impact their work has on the children in SL. I have to make a film 5/10 minutes focusing on the impact the charity is making in Sri Lanka and in the UK. 

I have visited the office, been to fund raising events, attended Team meetings, interviewed past volunteers, interviewed Trustees and office helpers."

Oli says that he just did not realise the depth and scale of work involved in running a charity from behind the scenes. The endless meetings, presentations, preparations for meetings, preparations for trips, phone calls to Sri Lanka.

"I just did not realise there was so much work involved."