Exciting opportunity!
Do you have experience of helping small organisations grow, knowledge of Sri Lanka/international development, experience of governance structures and leadership or finance/accounting experience? OST would love to hear from you...
Naomi Booth :: Friday 7th December 2018 :: This Story
Trustee Recruitment - Introduction
The mission of The Ocean Stars Trust is to identify and overcome the barriers to equal opportunity for children in Sri Lanka through education and social enrichment, sharing friendship, hope and joy.
Since being established in 2005 following the boxing day tsunami, OST now works directly with a Sri Lankan team, providing education to over 750 pre-school children every day. OST prides itself in the close support that it provides to beneficiaries and ensuring that the desired benefits have been achieved.
OST supports a wide range of projects across Sri Lanka but has a special interest in child education especially that of pre-school children where there is little government support in the country.
As the organisation grows and evolves, we are looking for committed individuals to expand our range of Trustee skills. We expect Trustees to contribute actively to the Board by giving strategic direction; defining goals and setting targets; evaluating performance; ensuring the charity's effective and efficient administration and financial stability. Overall we are looking for people who share our passion for the work we do.
We are particularly looking for people who can support the board with any of the following skills:
- Knowledge of Sri Lanka, or experience of international development in a similar context
- Experience of helping small organisations grow
- Governance structures and leadership
- Finance / accounting
NB if you feel you have other skills to offer, we would still be keen to hear from you.
Trustees are expected to
- attend up to six meetings a year (usually Thursday evenings in Fleet, Hants) and an annual away day;
- act as board support on a particular operational area (supporting the operations manager as required);
- contribute advice and support on an ad hoc basis; and
- attend fundraising events as required.
Trustees are expected to stay in post for a minimum of two years.
We are hoping to recruit two new trustees in 2019. If you are interested, please send a CV with a covering letter as to why you'd like to join the team to oceanstarstrust@gmail.com by January 15th.
More information
Further information about our work, including our theory of change and current programmes can be found online oceanstars.org.uk.
More information about the role of a charity trustee can be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-essential-trustee-what-you-need-to-know-cc3
If you would like to speak to someone about this opportunity please contact Maureen Johnson (chair of trustees) mauz_johnston@hotmail.com, or Dilanee Bunter (operations manager) dilanee@ntlworld.com
We look forward to hearing from you.