Link School Impact
Find out what impact having a link school in Sri Lanka has for both schools
Naomi Booth :: Monday 11th May 2020 :: This Story
Impact on Local Sri Lankan Students
- Sri Lankan students have opportunities to share in exciting learning opportunities, developing skills and talents they did not know they had
- Sri Lankan students are able to share their unique culture and heritage with our students
- Sri Lankan students are able to take on meaningful roles, helping to facilitate activities in their own schools, and acting as translators
- By leaving behind musical instruments we have brought, Sri Lanka students are able to taking on directing and organisational roles for their schools, continuing a school samba band, long after we have left
- Sri Lanka students are able to share their unending skills in the fields of cricket, drama and dance and amaze our students with their talents
- Sri Lanka students are able to partipcate in activities which they would not normally be able to engage in, in their own local community
- Sri Lanka students have the opportunity to experience cultural activities outside of Sri Lankan and Asian culture, those broadening their understanding of the world in which they live
- Sri Lankan students see others volunteering and are inspired to give something back to their own community and to their own country
- Sri Lanka students have the opportunity to experience cultural activities outside of Sri Lankan and Asian culture, those broadening their understanding of the world in which they live
- Sri Lankan students see others volunteering and are inspired to give something back to their own community and to their own country
- Sri Lankan students are directly motivated because of their experiences with Ocean Stars and many schools see significant improvements in students engagement, motivation and success
- Sri Lankan students build friendships with British students which they are able to maintain and develop through social media
Impact on UK students
- Being involved with Ocean Stars and the visit to Sri Lanka is so impactful for our students at Calthorpe Park School.
- Many become outstanding ambassadors for the school as they work in their local communities to raise funds for the charity.
- For our students there is always a revelatory moment when they see for themselves the results of their fundraising in the community projects they visit in Sri Lanka.
- Recent Calthorpe Park student groups have been able to visit a newly built preschool and an amazing playground for which they raised funds
- Calthorpe Park students learn for themselves that people live quite differently from themselves in Sri Lanka, but have fun and build strong relationships throughout the trip
- Our students are able to use their skills and talents in new and exciting ways and even discover things that they never knew they were so good at
- Through fundraising and travelling together, our students bond with one another and share lifelong friendships
- Many of our students are so impacted by the Ocean Stars experience that they want to continue to give back to Sri Lanka, working in NGOs and other community projects
- Out students have opportunities to learn about all aspects of Ocean stars through visits to community projects during the trip
- Students are able to see the contribution made by volunteering adults in Team 2, and gain an understanding of the contribution made by adults on the trip
- Students develop an understanding of the history, culture and geography of Sri Lanka and are able to share this with their friends and family on returning home
- Students build friendships with Sri Lankan students which they are able to maintain and develop through social media
Impact on UK staff
- UK staff have an amazing opportunity to engage their students in projects which are radically different from what usually takes place in school
- Staff are able to extend their own learning, developing new activities which engage Sri Lankan students without the need for significant oral instruction
- Staff return from each trip highly motivated to engage their own students in fundraising and in planning activities for the next trip
- Staff are able to extend and develop their own continuing professional development through their involvement with the trip
- Staff have opportunities simultaneously to promote our school and Ocean Stars in locally organised community events
- Staff have opportunities to develop their ability to work with students with particular needs, such as the hearing impaired community
- Staff are able to learn how education systems work in another county, they are able to bring back and share the things they have learnt from their time in Sri Lankan classrooms
- Staff are able to use their own talents and skills in different ways and work with Sri Lankan students who are always so keen to grasp every opportunity which is afforded to them
- Staff are able to develop meaningful and continuing friendships with their counterparts in Sri Lankan schools
- Staff are able to encourage their students in developing communication and relationship building skills in more meaningful ways