Our Alternative Curry Evening
Thank you for supporting our Alternative Curry Evening for Ocean Stars. A true Sri Lankan curry feast was enjoyed by many families worldwide!
Naomi Booth :: Thursday 4th June 2020 :: This Story
Thank you to everyone who has participated in the alternative #OSTCurryNight with some fantastic Sri Lankan meals being enjoyed. We've had an amazing response with over 40 families participating across the world! Thanks for sending your curry photos, sorry we could not include them all!
If you didn't get round to cooking a Sri Lankan meal today, do get in touch if you want access to some Sri Lankan recipes and videos by sending a DM or emailing oceanstarstrust@gmail.com.
You can donate through our website. Your donations and support are hugely appreciated during these challenging times. Our work empowering children through education in Sri Lanka continues in spite of all the Covid lockdowns, restrictions and curfews.