Batticaloa to Trincomalee
and then onto Killinochchi
Naomi Booth :: Friday 22nd April 2022 :: This Story
The OSL team and Dilanee travelled from Batticaloa to Trincomalee and then onto Killinochchi - a journey of over 300km.

In Trincomalee the team handed out uniforms to the preschool children and went shopping with the teachers to buy Abayas - the Muslim ladies working outfits. The teachers, Misna, Raisa and Riskana, talked to the team about the challenges of working during Ramadan when they fast from dawn to dusk - around 4am to 6pm in Sri Lanka. During this period they do not eat or drink and we talked about how challenging that is working in a hot classroom with 30+ children in the heat of a tropical morning. Their total commitment and self-discipline to fasting was an inspiration. Prayers are said at sunset and then a meal is shared with friends and family. Bells are rung at Mosques at pre-dawn to remind everyone it is time to have their meal before dawn.

After the children had gone home, the team went shopping for Abayas for the teachers. This was followed by lunch of rice and curry before travelling onto Killinochchi - the team are excited to be back with the children at Mahadeva Children's Home.