Economic Crisis Appeal - June 2022
Ocean Stars Trust need your help to help Sri Lankans through this crisis
Naomi Booth :: Tuesday 7th June 2022 :: This Story
Ocean Stars Trust is launching a June 2022 appeal to raise funds for our communities who are experiencing unprecedented hardship due to the current economic situation in Sri Lanka. There are daily power cuts which impacts on the quality of day-to-day life. Fuel shortages mean that people have to queue up to 8 hours to fill up their motor bikes and then they are restricted as to how much fuel they are allowed to buy. Inflation is running officially at over 35%, with the price of many basic commodities rising far in excess of that rate. With supply of foreign currency at an all-time low, the SL Rupee has been devalued by some 60% since December. All our communities are now cooking with Prices of all commodities have risen four, five-fold due to the devaluing of the Sri Lankan currency. All our communities are now cooking with firewood as supplies of cooking gas and kerosine oil have run out.
As our Ocean Stars Lanka children and families are impoverished by the ongoing current crisis, we thank our friends and supporters who continue to donate to our appeals. Through your kindness we are able to bring help directly to our communities and information about how your donations are spent will be available on our website.
£10 means extra classes for a student for one month
£12 buys a food parcel
£50 buy resources for one preschool
£100 provides breakfast for one month for one preschool
or make a general donation towards our work...
Donate directly to our Bank Account:
Account Name: Ocean Stars Trust
Sort Code: 30-93-32
Account Number: 02662990
Donate £10 by Text:
Donate £10 by TEXTING oceanstarstrust to 70085
See the full link of donation methods:
or use Justgiving
or why not...
Organise a coffee morning, bring and buy or set yourself a personal challenge for the month and ask for sponsorship!
Don't forget to send us a Gift Aid Form if you are eligible!
Thank you.
Ocean Stars Trust UK
June 2022 Appeal