High School Links

In Sri Lanka

Naomi Booth :: Sunday 18th June 2023 :: This Story

Ocean Stars Trust works with several high schools in Eastern Sri Lanka that are linked with secondary schools in the UK. OST often supports the Sri Lankan schools with funding requests they submit. Muravodai link school in Valachenai recently requested a white board for a classroom which OST donated during one of their volunteer visits to Sri Lanka. The teacher was very happy to have a brand new white board to teach her students.
If you are a secondary school teacher and would like to form a link with a school in Sri Lanka then please do contact us via email: oceanstarstrust@gmail.com
Picture: /files/latest-news/523/w288/white-baord-2.jpg Picture: /files/latest-news/523/w288/white-board.jpg Picture: /files/latest-news/523/w288/work.jpg