The first month of Matt's 2013 5 month trip with Ocean Stars

The first month of my 5 month trip with Ocean Stars has provided me with an amazing opportunity to witness a milestone project for Ocean Stars in Batticaloa. A team of 8 volunteers from Edinburgh arrived in Batticaloa on the 13th of June and are staying f

OceanStars :: Friday 18th October 2013 :: This Story

The team have been living with a host family in the village itself and have had the warmest welcome possible from all the people of the village. It's so wonderful to see such a motivated group of people who have spent a whole year fundraising see this project to completion themselves, and to be so involved with it's beneficiaries. For me it's also very rewarding to see them all becoming captivated by the rich culture of Sri Lanka itself, as well as becoming part of the magic of the Ocean Stars family.

The volunteers have been very impressed by the way Ocean Stars works, and in particular the 'hands on' contact we have with all our projects - a lasting friendship is one of the most powerful things we can offer to these people who have endured so much.