Newsletter June 2023

Welcome to our summer newsletter

Naomi Booth :: Tuesday 4th July 2023 :: This Story

Latest NewsPicture: /files/publications/526/w288/june-2023-newsletter-v5-1.jpg

Three cycles of our flagship Assessment Tool completed in 2022. A total of 2400 assessments were completed.

847 students have enrolled in our 29 preschools for 2023.

OST Trustees are pleased to welcome two new Trustees onto our Trustee Board.

Breakfast programme established in 15 preschools and marked improvements in children's health and weight have been recorded.

 Hope House projects continue to provide village women with skills that empower them to set up their own business.

Planning is underway to resume volunteer trips, and Calthorpe Park School have 21 students signed up for October 2023.

Ocean Stars Trust was shortlisted for Charity Governance Award and became Runners-Up the Category Improving Impact in Small Charities.

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