Internet problems
OceanStars :: Sunday 25th October 2009 :: This Story
HI everyone!
It has been difficult to find time to reach an internet cafe these last few days so this is why there haven't been many posts! We are still writing the blog every night... just waiting to upload it to the site!
Today we are travelling to Batti where we will be for five days, with a trip up Sigariya Rock on the way (climbing the rock)! Hopefully we will be able to do more regular blogs when we are there, so keep checking!
I have made a video for each day too, but i am struggling to upload them at the moment because the connection is slower over here... so you may have to wait until we are back to view the videos i'm afraid!
FYI - comments are very well received by the team ;) It has been a very emotional trip so far and I am excited about the rest of the week. The highlight for me so far is just being with the children, playing and having fun with them! Rocket balloons and the parachute have both been a big success with the kids as they have nothing like this over here.