Day 3 - Visit to Trinco

OceanStars :: Tuesday 27th October 2009 :: This Story

Day - 3

Play Group - Trinco Sri Lanka

Another early start today – we were off to Trinco to the playgroup there. The roads were, to quote Sudha, ‘broken’ – but the potential for easier travel in the future was apparent in the quantity of road building. Sitting in the back seats of the minibus was amazing – who needs an adventure holiday! We were greeted, as last year, with garlands made of threaded tiny shells given by the children of the playgroup to each of us. We were royally entertained by all the children with poems, dances and songs – ‘Found a peanut’ will never be the same again – in three languages, Tamal, Sinhalese and English! And they sang the Hokey Cokey for us – we had taught it to them over several years and this was the first time they had sung it for us.

All the team went to visit some of the OST sponsored children in their homes and again, the hospitality of these families is amazing. (I seem to remember the ‘a’ word was banned fairly early in the trip last year, but sometimes…) Cake, pineapple, papaya and bananas – along with orangeade – and I seemed to be expected to eat it all. I tried to encourage them to join me, but Sri Lankan custom is that guests must be fed and made comfortable before the family.

A veritable feast at Janabdeen’s house followed – fish, clams, vegetables, three sorts of rice – all cooked by Janabdeen’s wife, Ayesha. A brief hiatus in a busy day – much welcomed and appreciated.

Back in the minibuses, and we were off back towards our hotel in Dambulla, but via another real treat of dinner in the eco-friendly forest lodge owned by Rohan. Rohan was there, and Yasmin who had done much of the cooking along with the lodge cook. Our conversation turned serious – politics, religion, climate change – Rohan is a very interesting man to talk with. Yasmin too is lovely – and I really need some of her recipes! J

All in all, a day of extremes – long journeys, delicious food, meeting with children and their families, resting in the jungle. But it was a wonderful day – great fun and very thought provoking too, in many ways.
