A week on... from Ruth
OceanStars :: Monday 9th November 2009 :: This Story
Well, it's almost seven days ago we said goodbye to Sri Lanka but I can still visualise and hear Janika, Sudha and Ranga our drivers, standing at the table at The Green Cabin restaurant singing their national anthem at the end of our meal. It was very moving and unforgettable.
We have so much to ponder -all the awesome things we saw and experienced. Not least the incredible way we got to Grace children's home. No one could have imagined a more miraculous working out of a series of events that led us there !
The boys were so caring towards each other but at the same time just normal boys when it came to playing games!
Those children in the playgroups, once the novelty of these strange people had worn off, were just like those at home .There's always one who wants to do their own thing and has to be 'guided' back to conform for the good of the rest!
We cried silent tears of sadness and frustration at times when we felt overwhelmed by the unjustice we saw around us-but we had many more times of joy and laughter when we saw what a difference a few small things could do especially the look on the face of the small boy who had his own new shoes for probably the first time.
Then there was the sheer hilarity of the parachute games and Dilanee and Bron giving yet another rendition of 'The wheels on the bus' on the inset morning! The playgroup ladies though were so eager to devour any new ideas that would give their charges a good start in their young lives.We heard later that the afternoon session was delayed as they were crying after we had left---we were quite shaken by that news .
It goes without saying that this charity is making a difference to these folk.A big thankyou must be given to those who supported this venture by giving gifts and finance I saw where it went and I can assure you every penny went straight to those who needed it most.
Perhaps my most abiding memory will be the people who live in such poverty and yet have the ability to give and share their all with strangers . They were so generous to us their hospitality was overwhelming at times and made me feel how mean I am and how much I need to be reminded of the countless undeserved blessings I take for granted each day.
May God bless you Dilanee.