Trip Team Meetings

How are the preparations going and what are their thoughts after the Easter Sunday Bombings?

OceanStars :: Friday 3rd May 2019 :: This Story

Calthorpe Park School Team

OST Callthorpe Park School Team

"Today, we carried on planning and now have to prepare for presenting our ideas. We also got updated from Dilanee after the terrible bombings on Sunday. But I am still really looking forward to the trip."

"The Easter weekend bombings in Sri Lanka have just made me more determined to help! I want to be there to support the children. We are also preparing for more fundraising with an upcoming fun walk and bag pack. Our total is around £5000."

"We started todays session addressing the tragic bombings that occurred during Easter. Then we spent the rest talking in our groups about our activities and fundraising ideas."

"Today, we had another meeting, 4 days after the horrific bombs in Colombo and Batticaloa. Despite this, we are still determined to continue our plans and, in the meantime, we hope that Sri Lanka returns to being the lovely, peaceful country that it is."

"We feel now more than ever that the schools need our help. We are all very determined to do all we can for Sri Lanka, especially the children in Colombo and Batticaloa."

 "Glad to hear that the trip is still on, more excited than ever and I am super ready for the fun walk! My group and I are wholly ready and can't wait!"

"Happy to raise a lot. Hopefully, I can get the activities ready and get all resources I need for it sorted. Also, hopefully the situation in SL recovers."

"Again, we looked at the activities that we are going to do in the school. Despite recent events I think we are still determined as a team and have hope that we will still be able to go to Sri Lanka. We had a look at how much we have raised so far as a team and we also have our Fleet Fun Walk coming up which should be a good opportunity not only to raise money but get to know other people."

"We talked about how we are going to Sri Lanka and are more determined than before after last week! My group and I went through our activities and thought up more ideas."

"With the bombings having just happened it makes me even more determined to raise as much money for Sri Lanka and prepare fun activities for the children we will meet. I am excited for the Fleet Fun Walk and hoping we will raise lots of money for it. I cannot wait to get to Sri Lanka."

It was really sad to talk about last week's events, but we are all determined to go and help the children. We have a couple more ideas of what our trip will be like and as it's getting more closer it's getting more exciting.

"Despite all the terrible things that have recently happened in Sri Lanka, we are still keeping our heads up and hopefully we will sill be going. We just finished our last in-school activity planning session and I think w have finally decided on most (if not all) or our activities now. We've raised £5000 already, so only £4000 left to raise!"

"It was so nice to hear that our total will be going to build a playground for the pre-school. We also think that we will hit our fundraising target sooner than we thought!"

Planning meeting

Team 2


"Happy to receive further information about our role in pre-schools- all do-able and I'm now less apprehensive about it.

Obviously concerned by recent events in Sri-Lanka and how it affects local people and also wondering if it will impact on the trip? Impressed by other peoples fundraising efforts."

"The tragic evens of the weekend have thrown some uncertainty into the group. I feel that what Ocean Stars do is more important than ever, so I will continue to pray that a stable situation in Sri Lanka will allow our trip to proceed. The practice for the pre-school sessions has made me even more excited. I can't wait to meet and get to know the children we will visit!"

"At first I had concerns because of the bombings, but listening to the rest of the group really encouraged me that what we're doing is very important, maybe even more so after what has happened. Hearing about the pre-school morning activities in detail was exciting and I can't wait to spend time with these children – the ideas of providing an experience for them which will make them happy makes me feel very grateful for this experience."

"This meeting has been quite different given the situation currently in Sri Lanka. I feel that what we are planning and preparing for is more important than ever and we are moving forward in he hope of peace and stability in Sri Lanka."

"Sincerely hope after all that has gone on that our trip goes ahead. I love all the preparations which we rehearsed tonight and encouraged that it will be a great and happy visit. Pray that the people of Batti get over their ordeal."