School packing evening
Last night the Calthorpe Park School Ocean Stars Team 2023 had their packing evening for our trip to Sri Lanka next week.
Naomi Booth :: Saturday 14th October 2023 :: This Story
Last night the Calthorpe Park School Ocean Stars Team 2023 had their packing evening for our trip to Sri Lanka next week. The students arrived with their personal suitcases packed and ready to be weighed, and empty suitcases to pack all the resources they are taking to their link schools and preschools.
The drama studio floor was covered with resources! By the end of the evening, 500 kilos of resources and samba drums were packed and ready to go to Sri Lanka.
A huge thank you to all the students and parents for their support and patience. Thanks to the Star staff team who manage all the planning with lots of laughter. Just 3 more days to go!!