Team 2 meet again

This is their third meeting to discuss itinerary and more...

Chris Booth :: Saturday 29th April 2017 :: This Story

Julie: I am looking forward to beginning to plan the activities and thinking about things the children will enjoy doing. It's really helpful learning about previous experiences from those who have visited before.

Kamran:  Can't wait for the trip.

Heather: Looking forward to working with others in the group to arrange activities.

Dan: Seeing the itinerary take shape is very exciting, looking forward to being creative and planning the activities.

Jen: Really great to hear from Maureen and Sandra about their experiences and to be given some tips and advice for when we are there!

James:  Excited to see the children and interacting with them. Very busy schedule but all coming together now we have our teams.

Lorna:  I really want to go. The group are absolutely lovely. So I hope I can go.

Shahana: Feels like it is falling into place. I am also pleased that the fund raising event is coming together.